Thursday, August 13, 2009

Soccer Rules


Corner Kicks & Goal Kicks
The soccer rules state that a corner kick or goal kick is taken when the ball leaves the field of play by crossing over the end line (end zone or goal line). If the soccer ball goes out of play and over the end line by the offensive team, then a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team. The goal kick is taken from within the corresponding side (as to where the ball went out of play) of the goalie box. If the defensive team puts the soccer ball out of play and over the end line, then a corner kick is awarded to the offensive team. The corner kick is taken from the corresponding corner (as to where the ball went out of play).

Direct and Indirect Free Kicks
The soccer rules state that with a direct kick, the soccer player is allowed to kick the soccer ball directly into the goal. An indirect kick warrants that the soccer ball must be touched by another player after the first kick, before it can go into the goal. A direct kick is typically awarded for a contact foul and hand ball (touching the ball with the hand or arm). Most other penalties are indirect kicks.

Penalty Kick
The soccer rules state that a penalty kick is to be awarded, if a contact foul or hand ball occurs within the penalty box. The soccer ball is placed at the penalty spot, which is centered 13 yards in front of the goal, with only the goalie being allowed to defend against the shot. All other soccer players must stay outside of the penalty box, until the ball is kicked at the goal. The goalie is instructed to keep both feet on the ground
until the soccer ball is kicked.

The soccer rules state that a throw-in puts the soccer ball back into play after the ball crosses over a sideline and leaves the field of play. Soccer rules state that a proper throw-in is when a player has both feet on the ground with the ball held with both hands behind the head. Both hands must be on the ball until it is released, and the feet must not leave the ground during the throw-in.

Two-touch Rule
The soccer rules state that when the soccer ball is being put back into play from a throw-in, a kick-off, or indirect kick, the soccer player may not touch the ball twice. Another soccer player must touch the ball. If the soccer player throws the ball in and then kicks it, or begins a kick-off or indirect kick and kicks it twice, it is a two-touch foul.

No Hands Rule
The soccer rules state that the only player on the field that can use hands and arms is the goalie (keeper). The goalie is able to pick up the soccer ball and throw it. If the goalie is outside of the penalty box, or if his own player passes the ball back to him, he cannot use hands or arms to handle the soccer ball.

Offsides Rule
The soccer rules state that if an offensive soccer player is involved in an active play and is past the second- to-last defender, being closer to the opponent’s goal than the soccer ball, he is offsides. The offfsides soccer rule is called when a soccer player gets behind the defense, specifically the second-to-last defender. With the goalie usually being the last defender, the teammate that is closest to the goalie is the second-to-last defender. If an offensive player runs past the second-to-last defender without the ball in transit (as a pass from another player) or dribbling the ball past, it is called offsides. If this happens, the other team will be awarded the ball.

The soccer rules state that a player cannot strike, push, charge, trip, climb on the back, hold onto, spit at, or slide tackle the opposing soccer player. Even cursing and taunting are not allowed in most soccer leagues. All of these are fouls. Yet, soccer play is aggressive, so bumping, pushing with the shoulders, shielding with the body, and tackling the player while the foot is moving the soccer ball are all legal.

Yellow & Red Cards
The soccer rules state that yellow cards be awarded to players as a warning when blatant or un-
sportsmanlike fouls occur. It is the soccer referee’s discretion. If a player receives two yellow cards in the same game, it equals a red card. A red card means the player is ejected from the game, and may be awarded at anytime if the referee feels a player is being un-sportsmanlike or if tempers have escalated to the point of dangerous play. When a red card is issued, the entire team is penalized, as they must play with a player short for each red card.

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