Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dribbling Soccer Drills


Dribbling Soccer Drills: The Beehive
Mark out a 20 yard x 20 yard square with cones. Each soccer player dribbles their own soccer ball inside the square using dribbling and foot skills to avoid other players. The idea of this soccer drill is to maintain control and dribble with the inside and outside of the foot, while stopping and changing direction and speed.

Dribbling Soccer Drills: Attack & Protect
Mark out a 20 yard x 20 yard square with cones. Each soccer player dribbles their own soccer ball inside the square using dribbling and foot skills to avoid other players, while trying to kick other players’ soccer balls out of the square (all while protecting their own soccer ball).

Dribbling Soccer Drills: King of the Ring
Mark out a 20 yard x 20 yard square with cones. Each soccer player dribbles their own soccer ball inside the square using dribbling and foot skills to avoid other players, except for one player who is “it.” Soccer players with balls try and avoid having their ball kicked out of the square by the player who is “it.” Rotate the “it” player by making the person whose ball was knocked out, to become the new “it” player.

Dribbling Soccer Drills: One-on-One
Divide soccer players into pairs with one soccer ball in a 5’ x 10” rectangle marked out by cones on the four corners. One player is on defense, while the other soccer player is on offense. The object of this soccer drill is for the offensive soccer player to use foot skills to dribble to and touch one of the cones in front of him or her with the soccer ball, while the other player on defense tries to prevent this by blocking and knocking the ball away. Players take turns being on offense and defense.

Dribbling Soccer Drills: Shadow Dribbling
Divide soccer players into pairs with each player having a soccer ball. One soccer player becomes the leader and dribbles the soccer ball around, while the second player becomes a follower and shadows the lead player (dribbling, also). This soccer drill should teach soccer players ball control, to keep their heads up, while encouraging creative foot skills and dribbling. Players should use the inside and outside of the foot, change directions and speed. Alternate leaders and followers on the shadow dribbling soccer drill.

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