Thursday, August 13, 2009

Soccer Agility Drills


Agility Drills: Left vs Right
Have soccer players stand at the middle line(of three lines marked out by cones if need be)
for this agility drill. Have players sprint to the left line and touch it with their left hand; then
sprint to the right line and touch it with their right hand. Make sure players are touching
the lines with the correct hand. Outside lines are spaced about 10 yards apart. Have
players repeat this agility drill 5-10 times depending on their conditioning. Players end at
the center line.

Another variation of this agility drill is to only have two lines (a starting line and a touching
line) and have them end on the same line as they started, but through the drill, players still
touch the lines with the corresponding hand.

Agility Drills: Ladder Drill:
Set cones out to represent a line from the starting line every five yards. Have players sprint
out to each line and touch it, come back and proceed to the next further line, touch it and
come back, etc. Repeat drill 5-10 times depending on conditioning.

Another variation of this agility drill is to have soccer players shuffle sideways to each line
and sprint back to the starting line. Coaches may also like to have soccer players run
backwards to each line, then sprint back.

Agility Drills: Soccer Ladder
With soccer ladder drills, soccer players should try and keep back straight and square with
the hips. As agility increases, so should the speed at which they can perform each drill.
Repeat each agility drill 5-10 times depending on conditioning.

Agility Drills L1: Using a soccer rope ladder, have players run through the ladder touching
each foot in each square. Players should pump the arms and keep knees high.

Agility Drills L2: Using a soccer ladder, have players go through the ladder sideways,
touching each foot in each square. Have them go through leading with the left foot, then
return leading with the right foot.

Agility Drills L3: Using a soccer ladder, have players go through the ladder sideways, but
having each foot touch twice in each square. Have them go through, leading with the left
foot, then return leading with the right foot.

Agility Drills L4: Using a soccer ladder (and having the players standing at the beginning,
but to the left of it), have players move their right foot into the first square, then bring the
left foot into the square, next to the right foot. Then bring the right foot and plant it outside
of the right side of the ladder. Repeat this sequence, beginning with left foot into the
second square, and so forth.

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