Thursday, August 13, 2009

Soccer Anaerobic Drills


Anaerobic Soccer Drills for Conditioning

Anaerobic soccer drills should have intervals of intense physical activity and rest. This best
mimics the game of soccer. Anaerobic drills for soccer will reduce body fat, as well as burn
a tremendous amount of calories. Any anaerobic soccer drills that may be used by soccer
players should always be more intense than jogging for conditioning, but also should be
shorter in duration. Thus, anaerobic soccer conditioning should make the soccer player
able to withstand the demands of the game’s intense activity, while being able to recover
more quickly. A soccer match will have non-stop sprinting and jogging that will be required
out of everyone, especially mid-fielders and forwards. The following are just two drills to use:

Anaerobic Drills: Sideline to Sideline
Run from one sideline to the other, but alternate by doing a sprint, then jog back; sprint
then jog back. Repeat 5-8 times.

Anaerobic Drills: Fartlek
Another sprint and rest technique that many soccer players use is called a Fartlek. The
idea is to sprint a short distance and rest 5 seconds; sprint a little bit longer distance and
rest 4 seconds; sprint an even farther distance and rest three seconds and so forth.
Repeat drill 5-8 times.

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