Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to trap a soccer ball


It is important for young players to learn how to trap a soccer ball. Trapping a soccer ball means stopping the ball so one is able to control it. Trapping of the soccer ball is basic, but one of the most important soccer skills to teach soccer players. Many high school soccer players could easily improve their soccer game by improving their trapping of the soccer ball.

Trapping the soccer ball – how to trap the soccer ball.
We suggest watching the trapping soccer video to see the four basic soccer trap drills in action.

The four main soccer trap skills taught are:

1) Roof Trap – stepping on a soccer ball that is low in the air
2) Inside Foot Trap – the side of the foot is used to trap the rolling soccer ball
3) Chest Trap – the chest is used to stop the soccer ball that is higher in the air
4) Thigh Trap – stopping the knee-to-waist high soccer ball with the thigh

How to trap a rolling ball:
Simply step on top of it or use the side of the foot to trap it.

How to trap a bouncing ball:
Estimate where the ball will hit the ground, move to that spot turning your foot sideways and off the ground. Trap the soccer ball with your instep as the ball hits the ground, allowing the backspin of the ball to bring it to you.

More Soccer Ball Trap Tips:
A soccer player can practice trapping the ball by kicking it up against a wall. Be sure to practice
trapping rolling balls, bouncing balls and balls that come back to you in the air. The goal of a
trapped soccer ball is to gain control of it first, so that a good pass or shot can be executed.
Learning to judge the ball correctly takes time and practice, but the benefits will show up in your soccer game almost immediately. When the ball comes back to you to trap it on the ground, allow the ball to knock your foot back a bit, so as to absorb the shock. This is known as “relaxing the
foot.” This will deaden the ball and stop it at your feet almost instantly, if the foot moves slight back, is relaxed and allowed to absorb ball shock.
If the soccer ball has a lot of spin on it while in the air, the soccer player must learn how to counter the spin of the ball. A ball that is spinning forward and toward you should be trapped by moving the foot gently back; backward spins should be trapped utilizing the upper foot if possible. Side spinning soccer balls can sometimes be trapped between the foot and the ground, or simply toe- kicked straight up and in front of the soccer player to the thigh or chest, and then settled.

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